NCCHPS Fall Meeting Preliminary Agenda
October 25, 2002
3M Tartan Park

 8:00 Registration
 8:30 Opening remarks - Brian J. Vetter, President-elect
 8:45 Health Physicist's Role in Homeland Security Planning. Ken Kerns, Associate Director, Department of Environmental Health and Safety, Iowa State University
 9:30 Adsorption and Off-gassing of Radon and Progeny in Building Materials. Claudiu Lungu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota
 10:15  Break
 10:45 Agreement State Status Updates.
Sue McClanahan, Manager, Radiation Control Section, Minnesota Department of Health Paul Schmidt, Manager, Radiation Protection Section, Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services
 11:00 Health Physics Society Strategic Plan and Important Initiatives. HPS President-elect Ken Kase, Ph.D., Radiation Physics Department, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
 12:00 Lunch
 12:45 Business Meeting
 1:30 New Part 35 (Medical Use of Byproduct Material) Impact. Jerry Staiger, Radiation Safety Officer, University of Minnesota
 2:15 Break
 2:45 Wissink Memorial Lecture: Current Trends in Teacher Education and Workshop Development. Representative from the Minnesota Science Teacher's Association
 3:30 Adjourn